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Avanza summit
A premier event designed to elevate emerging pre-partner Latino/a VCs
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The Avanza Summit is a professional development event for pre-partner VCs to build their networks and learn valuable skills. This event teaches best practices for becoming a top-tier VC and advancing toward a partner level. Participants have the opportunity to learn from and interact with successful senior VCs.
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Avanza Summit 2023
Avanza Summit 2023
The inaugural Avanza Summit was held in Santa Monica in June 2023. From the applicant pool, 40 individuals were invited to attend, and the speakers and content were curated to maximize the benefit to the participants.
Avanza Summit 2023
Avanza Summit 2023
Avanza Summit 2023
Avanza Summit 2023
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the loop
If you are a pre-partner VC professional (Analyst, Associate, VP, Principal) with at least 1 year of full-time investment team experience, we would love for you to apply to our next summit. The Avanza Summit is held every other year, with the next one planned for 2025. To stay in the loop, please fill out the form below.
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